Organization is key in the event business! Take a look at these three suggestions for staying on top of your work and making every event absolutely unforgettable!
1. Make a list
This is the most effective tip in staying organized! Nothing feels better than crossing off an action item from your “To Do” list. When working on several events at once, it always helps to write things down so you don’t forget to complete that assignment later on. Since events are so detail-oriented, it is easy to let small items fall through the cracks. Creating a daily list of your assignments helps to lessen the chance of forgetting the little details!
2. Plan ahead
One of our most helpful tools is our event planning timeline. This reminds us of specific deadlines and makes sure that we are staying on track in the account planning process.
3. Create Uniform Documents and Label Clearly
Use uniform documents that can be tailored for each event. Documents like tracking grids, timelines, budgets, etc. help to keep consistency and allow us to maneuver through the shared folder easily. We always label documents clearly and date every edited version. This is very helpful in checking your work and covering your, well, behind when being questioned about certain changes to the documents.
Hope those help you the next time you need to get yourself organized. And remember… the devil is in the details!
Alecia Marino is an Account Manager and can be contacted at amarino@conventures.com and 617-204-4222.