Meet Conventures! Part of an ongoing blog series to introduce you to all the great people who make up our team. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to get to know us a bit better.

Caroline Strouss
Account Coordinator, Special Events
Hometown: Ipswich, MA
Years at Conventures: 2
When did you start working here? And B.C. (Before Conventures) — work, school?
I started as an intern at Conventures in June 2016 and became a full time employee in August 2016.
Before Conventures, I graduated from the College of Charleston with a degree in International Business and a Spanish minor.
Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given or a quote you live by?
“Happiness is not a goal but a product of a well-lived life.”
What would you tell someone just starting out in events? Is there anything you wish you’d known?
Have an open mind and be patient. Ask for help when you need it—the great part about Conventures is we are a team and want everyone to succeed!
Most important skill you’ve learned working at Conventures?
Patience and flexibility.
What’s your number-one, must-have item at all events?
Chapstick and a smile!
Proudest moment working at Conventures?
Sail Boston 2017. I joined the Sail Boston team as soon as I was hired as a full time employee, and from then until the event, it was pretty much Sail Boston all day every day. All of the hard work and long days were worth meeting such great people from all over the world and seeing those ships sail in on Parade of Sail day.
If you could work at any major event in the world, which one would you choose and why?
I would have to choose Coachella. I love music festivals and music in general. Plus, I really want to visit California!
Favorite book, movie and food
Book: A Dog’s Purpose, Movie: The Blind Side, Food: Chocolate chip cookies and pizza!
Friends are visiting Boston for the first time. Where do you take them?
Lincoln in South Boston for lunch, Newbury Street for shopping and at night, the Seaport’s newest hot spot: The Grand.
Invisibility or time-travel? If time-travel, tell us your first stop.
Time Travel—I think it’d be interesting to travel back to the time when my parents were growing up. They always say “Well, when I was your age…”, might as well check it out!
When you aren’t working, where could we find you?
The answer used to be horseback riding, it was my favorite sport growing up! Now, you could find me spending time with friends or family or at Btone in South Boston, I am obsessed!
Dogs, cats or other?
Dogs and horses.
And finally, give us one of your psych-up songs… please.
Anything by the Chainsmokers pre-2017.