Sailors aboard the Ecuadorian Tall Ship Guayas illustrate proper social distancing.
Hello folks and welcome to another week of working from home! We are getting used to this! (Is our camera on?) When we’re not buying stock in Zoom, or staying absurdly on top of our laundry, we’re guiding our clients on the best path forward for each event and campaign.
(We’re kidding about the buying stock thing. (What are stocks?) Also, it’s easy to stay on top of laundry when you’re on a three-sweatshirt-per-week rotation.)
Anyway, we’re waiting this out like you are, and, partner by partner, creating a series of contingencies and timelines for how to spring into action when this cloud, hopefully, begins to pass. We believe that this WILL pass, and we’re hoping for it to happen soon, of course, but we’re not going to rush anything. The last thing we want to do is celebrate too early. We’re connected, cranking away, and based on last week’s staff-wide Zoom meeting, free from any DIY haircuts (for now.)

Squad goals (Dusty’s still getting the hang of it).
Event planning, like life, is all about adjustments. As we adjust our sails and plan for the months ahead, we’re keeping optimistic, washing our hands, and keeping our distance from each other. We hope you are too!
We’ll beat this thing, and then we’ll celebrate.
Once this thing is over, people will need to be reunited with old friends and meet new friends.
And when that day comes, we’ll be here and ready to help.
Until next time, we wish you and your internet connection well.
*End Meeting*