Meet Conventures! Part of an ongoing blog series to introduce you to all the great people who make up our team. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to get to know us a bit better.

Katie Nugent
Account Executive, Sports Events
Hometown: Lynnfield, MA
Years at Conventures: 2
When did you start working here? And B.C. (Before Conventures) — work, school?
I started my post grad internship at Conventures in June of 2021, after graduating from Roger Williams University. I was then hired full time in August of that year.
What piece of advice would you give someone just starting out in events? Anything you wish you’d known?
Work as many events as possible. At each event you will learn something valuable that will only help you along the way.
Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Oftentimes you will be assigned to a role you don’t have much prior experience with. Go into the role with confidence and ask questions from colleagues along the way. Our goal at Conventures is for our coworkers to succeed as best they can.
Most important skill you’ve learned working at Conventures?
Teamwork. No event can be done by one person, and everyone plays a role no matter how small they may think their assignment is. Having the confidence to trust your colleagues to get the job done.
What’s your number-one, must-have item at all events?
Portable phone charger and hand sanitizer.
Proudest moment working at Conventures?
Helping out with the Medal of Honor Convention in September of 2021. I had been tasked with working on the event for the majority of my internship, and it was so great to work my first Conventures event after being hired only a few weeks prior. Seeing our team, led by David Grilk, produce 26 events in 7 days was amazing to experience. It really showcases how it takes 100% from every team member to get the job done.
If you could work at any major event in the world, which one would you choose and why?
The Super Bowl, but only if the Patriots were playing, Tom Brady would do the coin flip, and Britney Spears and Eminem would perform at halftime (I love them all).
Friends are visiting Boston for the first time. Where do you take them?
Tough question! Definitely would need to plan a trip to the North End during the visit. I would also plan a Red Sox game and then Loretta’s for live country music!
When you aren’t working, where could we find you?
During the summer, definitely the beach or on Lovells Island. Other spots would be AXL spin studio in East Boston or Loretta’s in Fenway.
And finally, give us one of your hype up songs… please.
Another tough question! Top 3 would have to be “November 18” by Drake, “Shoes” by Lil Wayne, and “Can’t Stop” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.