Hello friends,
Wow, what a month it has been. Like you, we’ve been following the news, heeding the guidance of health and municipal organizations, and keeping our space during this pandemic.
It’s a strange time for all industries right now, but there’s a definite eeriness in the event world – after all, our goal is to bring people together in celebration. We’ve had a busy month helping our clients manage postponements and reschedulings as they navigate these choppy waters and plan for brighter days to come.
Successful events are one half excellent planning, and one half excellent reaction. As we react and respond with each day, we’re putting our clients in a position to eventually deliver great events. Events unite us, and once this madness has passed, there will be nothing we need more than unification.
As we work remotely and collaborate virtually with our clients and each other, we’ve also had the chance to reflect on how this stress-inducing period affects our friends who rely on a busy spring season of events. From technicians and bartenders, to DJs and drivers, we’re thinking of our many colleagues and hoping to resume our teamwork soon.
While we very much live in a digital world, we at Conventures always prefer face-to-face meetings and collaboration. It’s our style, and when it comes to event planning, it’s the way to go.
But here we are, working from home. So now what?
Here’s a look into what we’re doing to stay productive, and connected, while taking care of ourselves and each other.
1. Setting up our space! As we adjust to our new (temporary) normal, here are some steps we’d recommend: Move a chair, pick a window, find a door to close behind you, and stack your laptop to a level you enjoy. Whether you sit or stand, email or Skype, your space and ability to work within it is step one. Have a new office mate like a child or spouse? All the better.
2. Routine, routine, routine. We’re creatures of habit, ok? So while a change of pace might seem nice, it’s also a big adjustment. We’ve encouraged our team to find their new routine and try to stick to it. Get up in the morning, get ready for your day as you normally would, and get to work!
3. Communicate, and then communicate some more! Email works, but so does the phone. It has been tough not being able to walk 6ft and talk to a teammate about a project. But we’re trying to keep this same spirit alive by scheduling Zoom meetings and keeping our chats open, so we can quickly and proactively maintain our teamwork.
4. Move your body. Exercise is good for your brain and keeping your mind clear during this crazy time. And while gyms and workout classes might be temporarily closing their doors, it’s a great time to try a streaming service or go for a run. We love obé, Centr, and even YouTube for quick at home workouts!
5. Try something new! Brainstorm! At a time like this, it can be tempting to keep a constant eye on the news. What are the updates? What’s going on? But we find it helpful to limit news time to certain times of the day. Mix in other things, perhaps follow a new blog page or learn a new skill. Now could be a good time to get creative. Master Class, Duolingo, and Food Network are a few of the places we’re drawing inspiration.
Whatever you do, keep planning and keep busy. When events return, they will be spectacular.
Stay healthy!
Dusty Rhodes
Founder and President